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Redding Workshop Barn
Another handsome 2 bay barn design that eliminates the need for any interior posts on the main level is our Redding Workshop Barn. Two Queenposts support Principle Rafters at the center "Bent" creating a roof truss that can support a sturdy loft floor with a clear span below. Perfect as a small garage or workshop! Of course, this or any of our designs can be extended in length by adding on additional bays.

Click the image to enlarge photo of the
Redding Workshop Barn

* Can be customized
** 6ft head room - total loft area can be greater
Barn Dimensions
Std Size 18' x 24' *
Bays 2
Area 432 sq. ft.
Loft Area 216 sq.ft.**
Eave Ht 11'-9"
Ridge Ht 19'-4"
Roof Pitch 10 / 12

Click to enlarge

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